Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a rapidly expanding and evolving field with
periodical software developments. The lack of up-to-date comprehensive NGS
training and consequently individuals with the skills to analyse the
information generated is a major concern. A website with a set of core
practical tutorials using case study examples to provide comprehensive training
for NGS, which never becomes dated by the contribution of tutorials using the
bioinformatics community, would be advantageous to correct these concerns.
RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, SNP calling, and de novo assembly tutorials using leading software, selected through a literature search are placed on a “dynamic” website that can have new tutorials uploaded, grouped,
and reviewed by users, see Note: these pdf tutorials have been removed temporarily while updated, see link at end of post for alternative.
Possible future developments of this learning platform are to
use it to form the foundation of a global independent bioinformatics training
and learning community of which universities can contribute and use, to
establish distance learning modules. The tutorials generated provide a comprehensive
training in leading techniques by the use of screenshots of output and detailed
commands used to reproduce them. Future developments could be to expand the
range of tutorials to demonstrate: different quality data sets because
different actions are recommended, data produced from different technologies
because different options are provided by software, other topics within NGS
such as genome wide association studies, topics other than NGS but in the
bioinformatics umbrella such as machine learning, and educational games/videos
to demonstrate/train bioinformatics techniques to provide interactive training
suites. Overall this is a representation of the continual movement of adult learning from traditional University campus to online student led learning and community driven teaching.
I have a static version of the tutorials available here:
I have a static version of the tutorials available here: